(00 44) 781 863 35 65 se.leschen15@gmail.com

Looking at Getting into Legal Interpreting and Translation in the UK?

by | Oct 8, 2024 | Law, Mentoring, Uncategorized | 0 comments

If you are considering a career in legal interpreting or translating or possibly in both, why not get some advice from me lawyer – linguist Sue Leschen? I have 22 years’ experience .

I can answer your questions about remote and on – site work opportunities, qualifications, rates of pay, the types of clients and professionals you will be working with, remote and on – and the time and commitment you need to put into working in the legal field. 

You may be a new career starter or (like me!) somebody who had a legal or similar background in another life and who is now looking for a new career.  You may or may not already have some legal qualifications and possibly some interpreting and/ or translation experience.

If you would like to contact me for a frank “warts and all” type discussion about what it is you might be getting yourself into, please feel free to do so – legal work is certainly not for the faint – hearted given some of the cases that we have to deal with! You can book as many or as few one – to – one online sessions as you want and need and there are no cancellation fees if you have to cancel for any reason. You can pay as you go for each session to spread the cost. You are also welcome to contact me on se.leschen15@gmail.com to book an initial free 15 minute chat on the phone or by video call to discuss your requirements.

About Sue Leschen